Parenting with Ginger Hubbard Podcast

To encourage and equip you to reach beyond outward behavior, address issues of the heart, and point your children to the transformational power of Christ.

  • FamilyLife Today Interviews

    In case you were unable to tune in to FamilyLife Today, here are two recent interviews I did with them. What’s With All the Whining? FamilyLife Today with guest Ginger Hubbard | May 8, 2019 Do your children whine? If so, then maybe author Ginger Hubbard can help! As a mother of two, she knows a thing or two about whining and shares a few “how to’s” to nip it in the bud. Ginger pulls examples from her own experience, and reminds parents that until you reach a child’s heart, their behavior isn’t likely to change. To help a child consider his