Parenting with Ginger Hubbard Podcast

To encourage and equip you to reach beyond outward behavior, address issues of the heart, and point your children to the transformational power of Christ.

  • Episode 051 | Time-Outs and Kids Who "Forget"

    Are you unsure about whether or not timeout is an effective consequence? Are you concerned that you spend too much time on correction and not enough time on connection? Join Katy and me for another edition of “Ask Ginger” (also known as “Q & A Day”) as we discuss how you can use time-outs and ways to move forward in confidence with correction.
  • Ep. 050 | Teaching Siblings to Resolve Conflict Biblically

    Are your kids constantly arguing and bickering? Does it seem to be their life mission to aggravate and push one another’s buttons? Join Katy and me as we talk about how to encourage your kids to resolve conflicts on their own in ways that will nurture their relationships with one another.
  • Episode 049 | Speaking Blessings Over Children with Sonya Shafer

    Does speaking correction and instruction into the lives of your children come naturally for you, but speaking blessings to them doesn’t come so easily? Would you like to know more about what it means to speak blessings over your children and how you can go about doing that? Join Katy and me along with special guest, Sonya Shafer, as we discuss the power of speaking words of blessing over your children and ideas for how to get into the practice of doing so regularly.  
  • Episode 048 | Interacting with Difficult Relatives

    Do you dread gathering with extended family and friends who aren’t on the same page with you when it comes to parenting, politics or faith? Are you looking for ways to keep peace with opinionated relatives who overstep or impose their views too aggressively? Join Katy and me as we discuss what we can do as ambassadors of Christ to show the love of Jesus to difficult relatives.
  • Episode 047 | Should Christians Celebrate Santa?

    Do you wonder whether or not Santa Claus will distract your children from the true meaning of Christmas? Or do you wonder if your children will miss out on a special part of their childhood if you forego celebrating Kris Kringle? Join Katy and me as we offer some encouragement for those who may be on the fence as to whether or not they want Santa to be a part of their Christmas celebrations.
  • Episode 046 | Fun Ideas for a Christ-Centered Christmas

    Are you looking for creative ways to teach your kids about the true meaning of Christmas this year? Are you longing to see your children get excited about the birth of Jesus? Join Katy and me as we talk about fun traditions and practical ideas that will point our families toward Christ throughout the Christmas season.
  • Episode 045 | Cultivating Unity Among Siblings

    Do you desire your kids to have close friendships and enjoy being together? Do they spend more time tearing each other down than building each other up? Join Katy and me as we discuss what we can do to help our kids cultivate unity and build life-long friendships with their siblings.
  • Episode 044 | From Grumbling to Gratitude with Tricia Goyer

    Do your kids show more attitude than gratitude? Do they grumble and complain instead of looking for ways to be thankful? Join Katy and me along with our special guest, Tricia Goyer, as we discuss how we can lead our kids from grumbling to gratitude as we head into Thanksgiving and the holiday season.
  • Episode 043 |Taming the Tattletale

    Is the never-ending tattletale battle between siblings getting on your last nerve? Do you wonder what the Bible has to say about the issue? Join Katy and me as we discuss how to address the heart problem behind tattling.
  • Episode 042 | When Parenting Methods Aren't Working

    Does it seem that the parenting methods you’re using aren’t working? Are you consistently implementing all the strategies we talk about on this podcast, but you aren’t seeing any change in your children? Join Katy and me for another edition of “Ask Ginger” (also known as “Q & A Day”) as we discuss how to point our kids to their need for Jesus and bring about lasting change in their lives.
  • Episode 041 | Nurturing Your Child's Faith

    Do you long for your children to truly know and love Jesus to the point that they pursue Him with all their hearts? Are you looking for ways to encourage your children to have a personal relationship with Jesus, but you aren’t sure how to go about doing that? Join Katy and me as we discuss what we as parents can do to nurture our children’s faith.
  • Episode 040 | Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

    Do you wonder whether or not Halloween is just a harmless night of costumes and candy? Are you confused about whether or not, as a Christian, you should participate in an occasion with such questionable pagan roots? Join Katy and me as we discuss whether or not Christians should celebrate Halloween and offer some encouragement for those who might be on the fence about participating.