Episode 176 | Misconceptions of Home Education with Monica Swanson:

Have you considered homeschooling but you’re concerned that you might not have what it takes? Do you wish there was a guidebook out there to ease your fears, tackle doubt, and help you walk through the homeschool process? Join Katy and me, along with special guest Monica Swanson, as we discuss the benefits to homeschooling, practical advice for those on the homeschooling journey, and some of blessings home education can bring to your family. 

We have a brand new episode of the Parenting with Ginger Hubbard podcast available today. Here’s a little more about what you can expect:

Episode 176 | Misconceptions of Home Education with Monica Swanson: Homeschooling gives your kids the kind of freedom that allows them to grow up to be authentically who God created them to be—away from the pressure to conform to culture. It allows your kids to live and learn in a secure environment and grow up at their own pace. Give it a try, but remember not to compare your homeschooling journey to others. You have your own story. It won’t look like anyone else’s and that’s okay!
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