Episode 169 | Setting Boundaries and Consistency with Discipline

Do you struggle with setting boundaries with your children and following through with consequences when you know they’re needed? Do your children disobey your instructions so often that the very thought of being consistent with discipline almost seems impossible, or at the very least, exhausting? Join Katy and me as we discuss why setting boundaries and following through with consequences when those boundaries are overstepped are key components for raising emotionally healthy children.

We have a brand new episode of the Parenting with Ginger Hubbard podcast available today. Here’s a little more about what you can expect:

Episode 169 | Setting Boundaries and Consistency with Discipline: There are seasons when it feels like setting boundaries and being consistent with discipline keeps us in a constant battle with our children. Boundaries and consistency are only a small part of God’s greater plan to bring children to the saving and redeeming power of Jesus, though. Our role as parents is to help our children understand that their rebellion against our authority is actually rebellion against God’s authority. So when our children disobey, let’s train them in the ways of the Lord and lead them to the foot of the cross. The battle has already been won!
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