Ep. 021 | Taming Your Tongue

Do you desire to calmly and gently address your child’s struggles but find yourself at a loss for words when it comes to training and instructing your kids? Join Katy and me as we discuss how God calls us to listen before we speak and how he can even use the times we blow it with our kids to do great works for his glory.

We have a brand new episode of the Parenting with Ginger Hubbard podcast available today. Here’s a little more about what you can expect:

Ep. 021 | Taming Your Tongue: Taming our tongues is not an easy task. It’s in our nature to speak before we think, but God calls us to listen first and then to weigh our answers. Those commands require the patience and selflessness of putting others first. Let’s be quick to pray and slow to anger. As we ask God to help us in these areas, may he use our obedience to him to tame our tongues to reach the hearts of our children.

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